About Bluebirders

Bluebirders is a Canberra-based Secured Private Lending business that sources and supports opportunities on behalf of wholesale investors.

Originally intended as an investment vehicle for its founders, the company now offers investment opportunities for investors as private individuals, trusts, family offices and self-managed super funds.

Both founders have 20+ years’ experience in property investing, separately moving up the value chain from property owners, to owner developers and onto the financing of property owners/developers. 

The founders spent four years searching for a Secured Private Lending firm which would provide a profitable and reliable vehicle for their own investment funds.  The private lending firm they sought needed to demonstrate strong performance and mitigated risk with certainty around the timing of the return of funds. 

The founders uncovered a system with the required proven track record, although it needed a good governance layer to make it suitable and attractive for themselves and other Australian wholesale investors. Their prior professional lives, and early retirement through successful investing, presented the ideal opportunity for them to develop the governance layer and create the Secured Private Lending firm they had been searching for, and so Bluebirders was born.

The Difference

Align interests

Our model is designed so that Bluebirders, the borrower, the selling agents and even the property refresh crew are incentivised by the improvement of the lender’s internal rate of return (IRR). Aligning all the parties to the IRR, removes many of the friction points of private lending and investing in general, plus increases the returns for the investor/lender.

Lower the risk

We aim to source property at wholesale prices, enabling investors to make money from the start. Our model has a low risk profile to property market fluctuations, with a median investment duration of only 116 days.

The dead weight cost of stamp duty is removed to improve the investor/lender returns.

Deliver a proven borrower

Bluebirders has also removed the key Private Lending risk associated with a new, often unknown borrower that accompanies each opportunity. In finding a proven system, we also found a proven and reliable long-term super borrower who can stay focused on their core operation while Bluebirders applies the governance and sources the investment funds.