How it works
1. Vetting
Thorough vetting begins by weeding out more than 800 deals each week that do not meet our rigorous standards. Our team performs a deep dive on the potential Bluebirds that make it through, to help ensure the quality of our investments.
2. Alignment
Alignment of all parties is built-in. Our specialised model is designed so that Bluebirders, the borrower, the selling agents and even the refresh crew, are incentivised by the improvement of the investor’s internal rate of return (IRR). Too many investment offerings include non-aligned payments to the providers without delivering a benefit to the investor. As investors, we hate being on the receiving end of this, so we have designed our model differently.
3. Selecting an opportunity
We present each Bluebird on its merits. If you are interested in selecting a Bluebird to invest in, you can submit an offer for that Bluebird. Following the 3-step investment process (read How to Invest), you become the secured private lender for that Bluebird.
4. Updates
You can track the status of your Bluebird portfolio. Our team also directly answers questions from investors, issues reports and ensures distribution of cash when it is due.
5. The Bluebird process
The borrower and Bluebirders work together to find a Bluebird, which is presented to investors. Investors receive the Bluebird information and perform their due diligence. An investor commits to the agreement and funds a Bluebird receiving security over the property.
The Bluebird undergoes the Refresh with focus on the time, quality and budget. The Bluebird is marketed for sale.
The Bluebird is sold, often with a 30 day period between exchange and settlement (disposition). Upon sale, the funds are distributed in accordance with the agreement.
The short nature, along with the alignment of all parties associated with a Bluebird helps drive a stronger IRR. The Investor is then able the repeat the process with another Bluebird, sometimes 3 - 5 times in a year. The repetition can help build on Investor success delivering a healthy ROI & IRR.
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